We Understand your Struggles

Facing problems with high fuel consumption?

Vehicles need additional maintenance?

Paying high insurance premium?

Don’t have a track record or KPIs for your team?

Suffering from high administration overheads?

Facing problems with your driver trips follow-up?

Aggressive driving leads to accidents that cause you to lose your assets?

Is the high maintenance downtime leading you to lose business opportunities?

We know your pain points to manage and maintain your assets, and we can help!

BlinkApp will help you save your fleet asset value, by effective driving behavior monitoring and performance reporting that reflect a crucial impact on the total cost of ownership (TCO) including direct and indirect costs. Based on extensive research, only 60% of the vehicle’s TCO is attributed to vehicle usage, while the remaining 40% is attributed to the impact of the driver’s behavior.

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BlinkApp helps fleet owners to enhance and monitor their team’s driving quality and offer rewards for good performance. Using our comprehensive driving behavior and performance analytics, companies can greatly improve their drivers’ behavior and provide them guidance about unsafe habits which helps minimize risky behaviors, improve the overall safety of their fleet and reduce the probability of collisions by up to 49%.

BlinkApp will help fleet owners save annual maintenance and collision costs by monitoring and controlling driving behaviors. According to research, maintenance costs show a significant increase of up to 160%, especially in routine services, brakes and general services as a result of acceleration and maximum throttle events. Having an effective monitoring and control procedures over your drivers’ behavior will help you to:

  • Minimize fuel cost per mile by mitigating aggressive and unsafe behaviors that usually have a demonstrable impact on fuel consumption.
  • Reduce annual maintenance costs by controlling aggressive driving performance that puts your vehicles at risk on the road and increase the probability of collisions.
  • Lessen vehicles downtime that may cost your company a number of potential business opportunities.
  • Decrease your vehicles insurance premiums by reducing the number of incidents on the road and preventing unpredictable variables.

What Numbers Say


saved per vehicle


saved on tires


saved on service


saved on fuel


saved on accidents